The earlier breast cancer is diagnosed, the better the chance of successful treatment. So it's important to check your breasts regularly and see your GP if you notice a change.
Common breast cancer signs and symptoms include:
On its own, pain in your breasts is not usually a sign of breast cancer. But look out for pain that’s there all or most of the time.
Noticing an unusual change doesn’t necessarily mean you have breast cancer, and most breast changes are not because of cancer. But it’s important to get checked by your GP.
Men can also develop breast cancer but it is very rare.
Checking your breasts only takes a few minutes. There's no special technique and you don’t need training to check your breasts.
Check the whole breast area, including your upper chest and armpits
Do this regularly to check for changes.
It’s as simple as TLC: Touch Look Check
Have you felt or seen anything unusual? If so, make sure you get checked out by our doctor as soon as possible